延續感恩 與時競進 曾珮瑜校長
正向心理學之父馬丁.塞利格曼(Martin Seligman)研究發現,真實的幸福源於發現自己的美德及存在的價值,其中一種美德就是「感恩」。從小懂得感恩的孩子,心靈愉悅滿足,人生往往比較幸福。本校推行正向教育多年,冀盼透過感恩惜恩、品格優勢、成長思維、擁抱錯誤等學習,裝備學生敢於面對逆境與挑戰、善於發揮才能、樂於感激及關懷他人,從而提升幸福感。迎來持續創新的時代,我們努力發展創科教育、跨科組主題學習、中華文化教育等,配合正向教育課程,與不同校外機構及大專院校合作交流,讓學生立德成才,憧憬未來,敢想夢飛翔。
配合社會及國家發展,提倡創科教育是新趨勢。 沈祖堯教授認為喬布斯最成功的地方是他對人的了解,知道人需要什麼,改變了世界;世上機會無限,我們要擺脫框囿,發揮創意。本校本學年其中一個關注項目是「分享創意成果,建立自信」,旨在提升學生的創意思維、學習動機與效能,培養學生的創造力、解難能力、創科精神,透過展示、分享、比賽交流,增強自信及與成就感,並為社會撒下種子,栽培人才,趕上社會發展的步伐,與時競進。
《聖經》說:「教養孩童,使他走當行的道,就是到老他也不偏離。」(箴言22:6) 我們秉承校訓「忠誠為主,仁愛待人」,以陪伴及指導孩子一直走正確的路為重任,栽培他們學會知恩、感恩、惜恩,愛己愛人,造福家國,榮神益人,延綿不斷。願我們一起開展美好的新學年,一同前行、一同努力、一同進步,邁向殷盛的人生。
Continuing Gratitude and Advancement with the Times
Principal Tsang Pui Yu
” The good rain knows its season. When spring arrives, it brings life. It follows the wind secretly into the night, and moistens all things softly, without sound.” (“Welcome Rain on a Spring Night”, Du Fu) Thanks to the donation and sponsorship from the Tsoi Kung Po family, with the profound love of Christ, S.K.H. Tsoi Kung Po Secondary School was established between Chung Hau Street and Good Shepherd Street in Ho Man Tin forty-two years ago, benefiting generations of students. Under the leadership of former principals, students have continually progressed in character development, learning outcomes, self-directed learning, innovative thinking, public examination results, further education, service performance, and the realization of their potentials. With the support and guidance of the entire teaching staff, alumni, and parents, our students are able to excel in their strengths, contribute to their families, society, and the nation, and compose a spectrum of countless successes. Our predecessors has laid a good and solid foundation for the school, and I sincerely express my high respect and gratitude.
Martin Seligman, the father of positive psychology, discovered that genuine happiness stems from uncovering one’s virtues and values of existence, with gratitude being one of those virtues. Children who know how to be grateful since childhood have a contented soul and tend to have a happier life. Over the years, our school has been promoting positive education by nurturing in students gratitude, character strengths, growth mindset, and the courage to embrace failure, so that they are able to face adversity and challenges, make good use of their talents, be grateful and caring for others, thereby enhancing their happiness. Ushering in an era of perpetual innovation, we are dedicated to developing innovation and technology education, cross-disciplinary thematic learning, and Chinese culture education. Together with our positive education curriculum, we collaborate with off-campus organizations and tertiary institutions, so that students can develop moral integrity, look forward to the future and dare to dream and fly.
In line with social and national development, promoting innovation and technology education is a new trend. Professor Sung Jao-yiu believes that the key to Steve Jobs’ success lies in his profound understanding of human needs, which reshaped the world. The world is full of infinite opportunities, so it is essential for us to get out of the box and be creative. One of our major concerns this academic year is “To build confidence through sharing creative achievements.” It aims at enhancing students’ creative thinking, learning motivation and effectiveness, fostering students’ creativity, problem-solving skills, and innovative spirit. Through showcasing, sharing, taking part in competitions and exchange activities, it can enhance self-confidence and sense of achievement. Simultaneously, we are sowing seeds for society, nourishing talents, keeping abreast of social development, and advancing with the times.
The Bible says, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6) Upholding our school motto, ‘Faithful to God and Charitable to Man,’ it is our solemn duty to accompany and guide children to always follow the right path, nurture them to recognize, appreciate, and cherish blessings, to love oneself and others, to benefit the family and the nation, and to glorify God and benefit mankind in an unceasing manner. May we start a wonderful new academic year together, move forward together, work together, make progress together, and move towards a prosperous life.
讓我們一起變得優秀 林玉琪校長
聖經說:「你要保守你心,勝過保守一切,因為一生的果效,是由心發出的。」(箴言4:23) 每一個孩子都是獨特的,他們總有自己的潛能,而最好的教育應該從「心」出發,「以生為本」,「以心為心」。我們深信所有蔡功譜同學都能夠學得好,做得好,因此我們用心培養學生多角度思考,提升創科素養及技能,將學習融入生活之中。未來世界的發展已非我們可以預測,但我們可以盡力裝備下一代,以正面的心態去面對將來不可知的挑戰,讓同學們勇於尋索理想及多元出路。
Let us strive for excellence together
Principal Lam Yuk Kei
This year is the continuation of the 40th anniversary of our school. With the completion and inauguration of various new facilities on the campus, in combination with positive education, innovation and technology education, cross-disciplinary cooperation activities, and promotion of Chinese culture education, our teachers and students are striving to improve and our teaching has also become more diversified. Some people say that the biggest room in the world is the room for ‘improvement’. ‘To gear up for challenges’ is one of our school’s major concerns this year. We strive to develop classrooms with positive elements, design distinct teaching strategies and activities, and cooperate with different external organizations and tertiary institutions to seize every opportunity to educate the next generation and explore more ways for students to improve.
The Bible says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it” (Proverbs 4:23). Every child is unique and has their own potential. The best education should start from the ‘heart’, be ‘student-oriented’, and be ‘heart-to-heart’. We firmly believe that all Tsoi Kung Po students can learn and do well. Therefore, we cultivate students to think from multiple perspectives, enhance their innovation and technology literacy and skills, and integrate learning into their lives. The development of the future world is beyond our prediction, but we can do our best to equip the next generation to face unknown challenges with a positive attitude so that students have the courage to seek their ideals and multiple pathways.
Jack Ma once said, ‘It is difficult to change others, and it is also difficult to change yourself, but only by changing yourself can there be hope.’ Whether a person can become excellent depends on having good character and attitude. Many successful people do the same things as we do, but the only difference is that they never think that what they do is simple and small. To make a person different is not to change him, but to make him want to change himself. Only through self-awareness and introspection can a person truly become excellent. Therefore, excellence starts from the small things we ignore!
At the beginning of the new school term, I hope that our teachers and students can be loyal and responsible for small things, strive to do well in every job entrusted by the Lord, and always be grateful for the Lord’s love. Let us be ‘faithful to God’ to witness the glory of the Lord and be ‘charitable to man’ to build a campus culture of positivity. We shall pursue improvement together and create a better future!
感恩與正向 林玉琪校長
彩虹很美,但科學家發現,彩虹的形成原來是角度問題,而不是地點問題,這關係着陽光來的方向、小水滴的分佈、人們所處的地點…… 每一個人所看到的彩虹都並不相同,因為每一個人接觸的角度與光線都不一樣,因此我們所看到的彩虹都是唯一為我們呈現的,人人眼中的彩虹都有獨特的色彩與形態!在童話世界中,彩虹象徵夢想與美好,但原來事實上,每一道彩虹都並非一樣,光譜更是完全不同。有很多人喜歡看彩虹,有些人甚至尋找機會等彩虹的出現,但事實上,原來我們可以在日常生活中嘗試創造出屬於自己的彩虹。
Gratitude and Positivity
Principal Lam Yuk Kei
This year is the 40th anniversary of the founding of the school. The theme of the celebration is “Gratitude for Forty Years, Looking Ahead with Positivity”. The world is ever-changing, but as we look back with gratitude at everything the school, the teachers and students have experienced over the past 40 years, all has been filled with grace. Activities were held to celebrate and cherish the history of our school, ensuring we carry on the past while forging the future, and the teachers and students can each create a different spectrum of success.
Positive education has always been the development direction of the school. We are grateful to the staff, students, parents, stakeholders and the community for their continuous support and company. In an unpredictable era with rapid scientific and technological advancement like today, especially when the pandemic is still raging, only those who know how to be grateful and embrace a positive attitude can have the courage to face the challenges of the future. They can love themselves and others. They can give full attention to their personal strengths, imagination, and creativity. They can also help others and live a life of their own while pursuing higher, broader, and further goals and ideals.
Positive education attaches great importance to mindfulness. One of the essentials is to stop and be mindful of the present moment, be aware of oneself, truly accept and let go, and learn to be grateful. Life is a marathon, a long-term accumulation process, and the key to whether a person can become excellent actually lies in having a good character and attitude. A lot of successful people do the same things as we do, but the only difference is that they never think of what they do as trivialities. Another meaning of gratitude is to teach others to be grateful. Everyone is precious in God’s eyes. If we know how to treat others with a grateful and positive attitude, accept differences and let go of obsessions, then what we see in our eyes will no longer be comparison, differences and difficulties, but cooperation, progress and opportunities.
Rainbows are beautiful, but science tells us that the formation of rainbows is related to refraction, not location. It is related to the direction of the sunlight, the distribution of water droplets and the location of the people. No one sees the same rainbow because each of us look at it from different angles of light. Thus, the rainbow we see is only presented to us, and it is unique in its colours and forms. In the fantasy world, rainbows symbolize dreams and beauty. In fact, no two rainbows are alike, and their light spectrums are completely different. Many people like to see rainbows, and some people even look for opportunities to wait for rainbows to appear, but it turns out that we can try to create our own rainbows in our daily lives.
The weather can be unpredictable at times, but what is unchangeable is the love, respect, peace and hope from God. Let all our teachers, students and parents work together to accept, appreciate, and encourage each other so that our campus can be a place where students can learn, build relationships, and love each other. Together, we turn setbacks in life into future successes and blessings. It is said that there is a different rainbow in everyone’s life. Please allow me to say that there is also a different spectrum of success in every student’s life. With a positive mind, let us all draw pictures of life from a new perspective with a variety of colours. I believe that if we have a grateful heart, we will have a new vision and many imaginative, splendid things will happen! May God bless you all!
四十周年校慶 ─ 感恩之旅 林玉琪校長
40th Anniversary Celebration – A Journey of Gratitude
Principal Lam Yuk Kei
The 2021-2022 academic year is an important year for all members of SKH Tsoi Kung Po Secondary School family. As we enter 2022, the 40th Anniversary Celebration activities of our school shall begin.
Psalm 65:11 “You crown the year with a bountiful harvest; even the hard pathways overflow with abundance.” It is best to describe the past 40 years as a “journey of gratitude” – for every stage we have gone through in this journey, we have learned from many different experiences and met different people. These experiences have helped us grow, nurtured us and endowed us with values and qualities that we can instill.
Over the past few years, the school has adopted “positive education” as a direction of development. We make every endeavour to raise the awareness of all teaching staff and parents of positive education. We also strive to tie in the 24 Character Strengths with the character education of our school to boost our students’ resilience and overall happiness. In addition, teachers have been studying and practising adding positive education elements in their teaching to enhance students’ learning motivation and effectiveness. We also strive to utilise every opportunity to provide students with a platform to realise their potential so that they can broaden their experience and understand themselves. We have been working together to ensure the progress of our students in the hope that they can discover their multiple pathways available to them with gratitude and dreams for life under the pandemic.
Only when you know how to be grateful can you learn to cherish and have the energy to move forward and upward.
We cannot take others’ love, recognition, and care for granted. The school has received selfless contributions from different stakeholders throughout the past 40 years. Their kindness is worth cherishing and we are all immensely grateful for their generosity. May the 40th anniversary be the starting point for another journey of gratitude. Besides working with collective wisdom and concerted efforts for a brighter tomorrow, we also need to learn how to accept and celebrate Lord’s gifts; remember and honour His grace; and reciprocate and devote to His kindness. He also teaches us to pursue a grateful life, in which we seek breakthrough and progress.
Proverbs 4:23 “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” It does not matter how big or small your dream is. What matters is whether you dare to pursue your dreams and realise them! Let us work hand in hand to endeavour, to create and to have gratitude for the past, the present and the future! Glory to the Lord!

- 每天給自己一個目標、希望和信心,努力活好每一天,因為這是對自己最好的生活方式,也是對父母最好的感恩方法。正視生命的短暫及無奈,承認人的渺小及軟弱,珍惜家人相處的時間,以愛還愛。
- 回學校上課已非必然,因此同學更加要認真學習,包括做好預習、堂課、家課及測考評估;學好兩文三語及提升資訊科技能力,以便與世界接軌,穿越古今知識的瀚海,迎接新世代學習的模式。
- 疫情之下,大家經歷過與同學共處的時光可以戛然而止,因此友伴同行更形重要,更要珍惜。多看別人的好,多改善自己不足之處;在課內課外培養自己的適應能力、獨立思考能力、團隊合作能力及嘗試新事物的勇氣。
- 拓展自己的生存空間,不要給自己設限,走出自己狹小的生活圈子,鼓起勇氣去探索未知的世界 — 讀沒讀過的書、看看新電影、嘗試以前沒做過的事情、培養新的嗜好、從事新的服務、掌握新的知識與技能……拓展自己,突破自己,令自己的生活會變得更精彩。
- 尋找永恆生命價值之所在,包括信仰與理想的追求;保有永恆的眼光,了解到有許多事情是自己無法控制的,但可以信賴主和祂的時間表。多發掘自己的潛能,發揮人類的創意,向茫然未知的將來邁步。
Prepare Today For The Unknowns Of Tomorrow
Principal Lam Yuk Kei
In the age of technological advancement, an ever growing number of people are becoming addicted to the online world and the countless smart devices that come along with it. Technology is a double-edged sword. It can not only lead us to a boundless virtual space, but also trap us in a bounded spiritual space.
The world has changed under the COVID-19 pandemic. Some lifestyles we once took for granted have become ever more precious. Some plans we once looked forward to have now been rendered impossible. The 21st century has been full of global uncertainties: diseases, natural disasters, wars, and famines. Society, the world, the political environment, and people’s hearts and minds have become ever more complicated. One can hardly catch up with the fast-paced changes in the world. Many experts have pointed out that 40% of jobs will soon be rendered redundant, completely replaced by robots. To survive and stand out in this generation, what kind of knowledge, skills, and attitudes are needed?
Education is the key to success. Comprehensive education facilitates the formation of a person’s character, learning ability, self-confidence, and values. The paradigm of teaching and learning is no longer bound by traditional spaces. It is no longer constrained by any geographical limit, culture, or race. Students should be more independent, active, and well versed in the pursuit of knowledge. Only by learning from daily application, demonstrating and discovering knowledge, communicating and cooperating with others, can we truly achieve success. If scholars copied information from the Internet or the work of others, we would have gradually lost the ability to think, synthesize, and innovate, and we would not be able to transform information into intrinsic knowledge. In the end, we would only become passive learners and lose the passion and desire to learn.
In the same way, teachers should keep pace with the times in this fast-changing era. Teachers should understand the diversity of students’ learning, and teach students in accordance with their aptitude in a student-oriented way. We must develop diverse teaching methods to cultivate students’ curiosity about life and things in this new world. Instead of merely teaching knowledge, what matters is the display of accountability and inheritance of experience and values. Educators should help students prepare to enter the next stage of life. They should encourage students to pursue higher, further, and broader life goals. Ultimately, they should help students to develop personal uniqueness, and become a person who dares to innovate while supporting society.
This pandemic has raised a number of life’s deepest questions to the surface. What is the core value of our lives? What attitudes do people need most? Many wise thinkers have said: the best way to prepare for tomorrow is to concentrate all your wisdom, enthusiasm and ability to do today’s work to perfection. This is the only way you can cope with the future. We did a good job today, probably because we did a lot of right things yesterday. We cannot be sloppy, even for seemingly trivial things. If we can do well every day, we will naturally be successful every day.
In the new academic year, the school will continue to promote positive, moral education. The school will continue to improve students’ biliteracy and trilingualism through reading and interdisciplinary learning. We will continue to help students set goals and develop career plans. I hope that all students will continue to cherish living in the moment and make the best preparations for their futures. I advise all of our students to:
- Give yourself a goal and use it to build hope and confidence. Strive to live well every day, because this is the best display of respect for yourself and your parents. Face up to the precious nature of life, accept the flaws and weaknesses of people, cherish the time spent with family members, and reciprocate love with love.
- We can no longer take the chance to go back to campus for granted, so take studies more seriously. Focus your preparation for classes, classwork, homework, tests, and assessments. Continue to build your biliterate and trilingual abilities, and continue to expand your understanding of information technology. Use these skills to connect with the world and navigate new paradigms of learning.
- Through the pandemic, it is not surprising that the time you once spent with classmates has come to an abrupt end. Therefore, walking with friends is even more important and must be cherished. Continue to look and learn from what your companions are doing and work to improve your own shortcomings. Now is the time to show that you can build your adaptability, independent thinking, and teamwork. These qualities will help you to try new things in and out of class.
- Expand your personal environment and do not set limits on yourself. Get out of your comfort zone and muster the courage to explore the unknown world — read books you haven’t read, watch new films, and try things you haven’t before. Find new hobbies and passions and engage in new services in the community. Develop yourself, break through your limits, and make your life exciting.
- Look for the value of life, including the pursuit of faith and ideals. Keep an eternal vision, knowing that there are many things beyond your control, but you can trust the Lord and His timetable. Use this comfort to explore more of your potential, release your creativity, and move towards the unknown future with faith.
Every morning is new, and no one knows what the future will hold. There are many uncertainties in the future, as well as infinite possibilities which are waiting to be discovered and explored. When we face the future, we must have visions and dreams in our hearts. Of course, it is inevitable that we will have worries and panic. Only if you dare to venture into the unknown can you discover more beauty and wonder. Everyone will play a different role in life. Try your best to find your role and cherish it. Be grateful for it and perform it with dedication. Through this, you will find comfort, live a meaningful life and achieve the best performance.

「黃塵清水三山下,更變千年如走馬」,歲月如流,不經不覺新一個學年又開始了!在過去的學年,有賴於全校師生的共同努力,很多計劃順利完成,學校在各方面都取得了長足的進步。目睹同學日益成長,老師教學與時並進,學校不斷邁步向前,為此我們感到高興,亦非常感恩! 舊的過去,新的已來,新學年將帶來新的變化,或許正如蠶蟲的蛻變一樣。
- 建立正向品格,勇於承擔責任
- 認識自己,訂立目標,規劃人生
- 重視兩文三語,提升學與教的效能
Message from the Principal
Ms. Lam Yuk Kei
Time is fleeting, and a new school year begins again! Last year was indeed rewarding. We successfully completed a range of different plans which were the result of concerted efforts from all teachers and students. Our school has made significant progress in many aspects. Nothing is more rewarding than to witness our students’ growth and the continual improvement of our teachers and staff members. We feel grateful for what we have achieved so far! However, the new school year means new changes and challenges for all of us. In many ways, this reminds me of the transformation of a silkworm.
Feeding on mulberry leaves, young silkworms grow fast. One amazing fact about this insect is that each silkworm multiplies its weight by about 9,000 times from the moment it is born up to the time it creates its own cocoon. Following its last shedding, its skin fades a yellowish colour. The worm spins itself into a silk cocoon before emerging as a moth. Once, as the story goes, a child tried to help a moth emerge out of its cocoon, saving it from its apparent torturous struggle. However, this denied the moth the opportunity to struggle and exercise its wings. Soon, the moth lost its original colour and ability to fly, and died. In God, no suffering is meaningless, and we can learn to appreciate all the miracles that arise from our struggles.
Life is never easy; we often encounter multiple humps and bumps along the way, and no one likes to bear despair and pain. These obstacles, however, can always create a positive impact on our characters – showing us our strengths and weaknesses, and telling us what we need and where to go. With faith in God, adversity can always be a catalyst for character building and aspiration.
We will launch a new, three-year School Development Plan this year. Our major concerns are:
- To foster the development of responsible individuals through character education
- To facilitate self-understanding and help students create their life map
- To enable students to become “bi-literate and tri-lingual” and enhance learning and teaching effectiveness
It is our mission to provide quality, all-round education based on Christian principles. We strive to broaden our students’ horizons so that they can create their life map and be inspired to aim high. We believe that all students are able to unleash their full potential through trial, error, and hard work. We are also convinced that the strengths of our characters help us to weather the storms and turbulences of life, turning setbacks into future successes.
Therefore, we pledge to do our best to mould the young minds into grateful, responsible citizens with personal goals, humble hearts and a willingness to serve. I hope all of us are well-prepared to start afresh. Let us work hand-in-hand to make TKP an even better place for our students to learn and shine.

Message from the Principal
Ms. Lam Yuk Kei
“Spring is the best start to the year; morning is the best start to the day; diligence is the linchpin of one’s life.” This Chinese proverb reflects an attitude that is worth integrating into all aspects of our lives. Not only does it encourage us to seize the day and grasp opportunities, it also reflects the importance of planning. Whether it be planning for study, career, marriage, birth, or retirement, we are reminded that by planning early we ensure our ability to respond to changes in our lives. Planning for these important milestones is the best way in which we can prepare for whatever our lives may bring. Modern education emphasises the importance of goal-setting, and often reinforces the importance of career planning. If we can make the most of each day by managing our pursuits and motivating ourselves to improve with “diligence”, we can progress towards our goals, and live a beautiful and fulfilling life without regret.
In the eyes of a follower of Christ, this Chinese proverb can be considered on a higher, more spiritual, level – “Spring is the best start to the year; morning is the best start to the day; God is the linchpin of one’s life.” Everyone’s life is determined by God’s arrangements and good will. The question is, can we succeed in taking hold of the promises of God, discovering and treasuring our talents, continuing to nurture ourselves, and truly believing in goodness? To achieve these moral aspirations, it is vitally important to set learning and life goals that best suit ourselves as individuals. Only by working hard to add value to our own being, establishing regular habits and routines that further our development, participating in extracurricular activities and services in our community, and developing our potentials, can we live a life as beautiful as Lord Jesus.
The motto of our school is “Charity & Faithfulness”. Both are very profound values that guide us to be “Faithful to God and charitable to man”. Our school is devoted to instilling these principles in our students by placing them at the forefront of our daily lives. As we live by these values, we can continue to be polite, care for others’ needs, and sustain a habit of doing good deeds. What’s more, by committing ourselves to our further studies we can learn how to set and achieve personalised life goals, respect teachers with sincerity, and care for classmates. We can live by these values in our family lives, too. By being filial and helping with housework and household duties, we can express our care and respect for our loved ones. In a higher regard, living by these values gives us the means and courage to search for our true purposes in life. It allows us to pursue truth, goodness and beauty, and contribute to the success of our flourishing community. Indeed, these pursuits are mature in their nature, but are ones which we encourage our students to aspire to.
In the coming academic year, one of the school’s main concerns will be to promote student collaboration in order to fully engage with active learning. We believe that by nurturing effective collaborative skills we can instil loyalty and integrity into our students. Furthermore, it will provide fruitful opportunities to build, develop, and hone learning habits whilst maturing with peers. We trust that it may serve as a stepping stone for achieving students’ moral education goals.
“Without good character, education is only half done.”
Good grades alone do not guarantee absolute achievement; nor are they the solitary factor in finding true happiness. Nurturing personalities, values, and spirit is of equal importance. I sincerely hope that ‘TKPers’ can develop their own individual characters and continue to improve their own quality of life, as well as the lives of those around them. We should love ourselves through responsibility, attentiveness, and temperance; love our families and friends through filial piety, respect, and compassion; and love our neighbours through forgiveness, service, and patience. We should also be honest with sincerity, reflection, and boldness; have integrity with circumspection, trustworthiness, and justice; and be loyal with humility, obedience, and faith. I aspire for you to be the ‘clear spring’ in the torrent of society, and be beautiful witnesses of God.
Message from the Principal
Ms. Lam Yuk Kei
2017 is the celebratory year of the 35th anniversary of S.K.H. Tsoi Kung Po Secondary School (SKHTKPSS). Under the guidance of previous supervisors, council members, principals and all co-workers who have contributed selflessly, and alongside the generous support of the Tsoi Kung Po family, the school has been able to nurture students in the district of Ho Man Tin, and to help our students to shine in the community.
A series of celebratory activities were held, including Founders’ Day Thanksgiving Service and tea gathering, which was held on 28th April, 2017. On the day, The Right Reverend Dr. Timothy Kwok of Sheng Kung Hui Diocese of Eastern Kowloon gave a sermon. It was a joyous occasion as the school supervisor Mr. Lam Benjamin Huen, school management council members, former chairperson – The Right Reverend Louis Tsui, former principals and co-workers, people in the community, alumni, parents, teachers and students, and nearly a thousand attendees praised and worshiped together as well as reviewed and celebrated the history of the school.
On 8th July, 2017, our school invited Dr. Moses Cheng, the Chairperson of Insurance Authority and the legal advisor of Sheng Kung Hui, to be the Guest of Honor of the 31st Speech Day. At the ceremony, Dr. Cheng addressed the graduates with the four ‘self’s’: ‘self-learning’, ‘self-confidence’, ‘self-respect’ and ‘self-discipline’. SKHTKPSS strives in guiding students to be successful self-learners. The four ‘self’s’ from Dr. Cheng is a great goal for teachers and students in the 2017-18 academic year to achieve in various aspects including academic learning, character building, self-improvement, a variety of services and skills development. To facilitate with the school’s enhancement in languages and multilateral cultural exchange, students will be able to utilize their potential capability with a globalized view of the world.
SKHTKPSS is a school that emphasizes on character building of all our students. We focus on character education during their six years of study. We encourage our students to learn the spirit of Jesus, ‘honesty and integrity’, become sincere, thoughtful and brave citizens; as well as to live a meticulous, reliable and righteous life. We reinforce the cooperation between the school and families. Parents and teachers will work collaboratively for the next generation in terms of education, providing all-rounded development, fostering true values, and building a positive philosophy and morality.
Looking into the future, SKHTKPSS will continuously progress in the areas of academics, character building, social, religious and family education. SKHTKPSS will become a learning place with love and harmony. With the virtue of the school motto “Faithful to God, Charitable to Man’’ being upheld, our students will have a holistic development, both academically and non-academically, which contributes to a more meaningful and fulfilling life. Thus, every teacher and student will be able to achieve a ‘Spectrum of Success’.

Message from the Principal
Ms. Lam Yuk Kei
The commencement of the academic year 2016-2017 marks the 35th anniversary of S.K.H. Tsoi Kung Po Secondary School(SKHTKPSS). It all begins with the love of Jesus and the selfless contribution of the founders of establishing the school on the current site at Ho Man Tin. Together with the generous donation from Tsoi Kung Po’s family, the school is able to stand firm in the district of Ho Man Tin throughout the past 35 years, nurturing countless students.
With the guidance from God, it is such a blessing for me to join the big family of SKHTKPSS at this momentous occasion. Students of SKHTKPSS have been performing well in terms of academic learning and public exams, character building, self-learning, career development, self-improvement and all other realms under the guidance of previous principals. Our teachers and alumni also play a significant role in fostering the development of our students in different aspects and setting good examples and for students to follow. Without them, SKHTKPSS would not be able to continue to shine in the community, and I am really proud to be one of the members of SKHTKPSS.
As the old saying goes, “Every learner must be inspired by a teacher”. Teachers shoulder the responsibilities of “delivering, teaching and explaining”. Indeed, teaching with passion and becoming the role model of students are always the aspirations of teachers. By focusing on academic, personal and spiritual development, SKHTKPSS provides our students ample opportunitiesto be more concernabout our society, discover more about themselves, treasure life, develop good interpersonal skills and positive attributes through classroom learning and participating in various extra-curricular activities. With perseverance and courage, students would be able to cope with adversity and map out their own life plans to fully utilize their skills.
Looking into the future, SKHTKPSS would put more emphasis on languages, students’ learning efficiency and multilateral cultural exchange so as to equip our students with a globalized view of the world. By enhancing the collaboration between academic, character, social, religious and family education, SKHTKPSS will become a learning place with love and harmony. With the virtue of the school motto “Faithful to God, Charitable to Man” being upheld, our students will have a holistic development, both academically and non-academically. They will learn to be innovative, appreciative and self-reflecting, which are the core ingredients to living a more meaningful and fulfilling life.