
Scholarships and Awards

Scholarships and Awards

Our school has established some scholarships awarded to students who have shown outstanding academic performance, conduct and service annually. Meanwhile, to encourage students to strive for progress, our school has established awards for improvement in academic performance and advancement in academic subjects. In addition, the “All-round Development Award Development Award Scheme” is set up to encourage students to strive for outstanding and well-balanced performance in academics, behaviour, services and activities.

Scholarships and Prizes
Excellence in Conduct and Academic Results Award
  • Attain grade A in conduct and be in the top three academic positions in their form in the academic year
Outstanding Performance in HKDSE Award
  • Attain level 5, 5* or 5** in DSE subjects
Academic Award
  • Be in the top three academic positions of F. 1 to F. 6 students in their form in the whole academic year
Subject Award
  • Be in the first position in each senior form subject
Outstanding All-round Development Award
  • Students who got seven points in each aspect
  • The three students with the highest points in All Round Development
  • attained grade A- or above in conduct
PTA All-round Development Award
  • Students who got seven points in each aspect
  • attained grade A- or above
Outstanding Leadership Award
  • Be awarded two major credits or above
Student Leader Award
  • Be awarded two minor credits or above
Physical, Cultural and STEM Education Award (for F.6 Graduates)
  • Achieve excellent performance in cultural subjects or STEM Education or remarkable performance outside the school
Physical and Cultural Education Award (for F.1-5)
  • Achieve excellent performance in cultural subjects or remarkable performance outside the school
Academic Progress Award
  • One student from each class, ranging from Form One to Form Five
Best Academic Progress Award
  • One student from Form One to Form Five, who attains the greatest progress in grades in the second term compared with those in the first term will be awarded.
HKSKH Church of the Good Shepherd – for Christianity Education
  • Students who are active participants in religious activities; also earnest and
  • responsible persons will be awarded
Alumni Association – for Best Performance in Reading
  • Students who have developed good reading habits and also actively participate
  • in reading activities or competitions both inside and outside school will be awarded